Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ooh look what I have found

The Language of Flowers

In the 1700's it was common to communicate though flowers. Why? I don't know. Maybe they didn't know how to speak?? I don't think that is it. But why would people spend their time trying and figure out what flowers mean?? Their flowers! They look and smell nice right? Well not to people in the 1700's. This is what they decided the flower lingo is.

Rose: All mean love. Dedicated to the goddess of Love. Cabbage roses are ambassadors of love. Rosebuds means young love.

Tulips: is an declaration of love

Peach Blossoms: I belong to you

Lilacs or Lavender: New love

Heartsease: Think of me

Lemon Blossoms: Promise I'll be true to you

Lily of the Valley: Happiness and anew

Forget-me-not: True love

Sweet peas: Bon Vouage

Ranunculus: You sparkle with Charm

Marigold: The symbol of Fertility

Honeysuckle: Sweet Natured

Zinnia: Thinking of you

Columbine: Would question the sanity of the Receiver as in "Are you nuts?"

Tansy: This mans war


Andria said...

One of my favorite parts of Hamlet is when Ophelia has gone crazy and she's talking about flowers/plants and their different meanings. This site talks about them:

And of course there's Kate and Leopold, where Leopold is telling Kate's brother about the meaning of flowers as he assembles a bouquet for Kate.

But, quite honestly, I would just like to have flowers bought for me on a regular basis; I don't care what their meaning is. :D

Hollie Robb said...

I know I want flowers also. I'm just ready for spring. Then I can have all the flowers I want.