Tuesday, January 27, 2009


There is a conspiracy going on in my ward. It's against me! Of all people! I'm still single so the Bishopric took it upon themselves to get me married, along with the Relief Society. It is so absurd it's embarrassing. During their bishopric meetings they actually talk about what guy would marry me and the quality's he should have! What should I do, apostatize?? No I won't, it would probably make them work harder. You'd think they would have something better to talk about then setting me up! Believe me it doesn't help when that my older brother Jeremy is in the bishopric in my ward.

All of this makes me so infuriated, all I want to do is cry. Married couples believe me, there is not a single out there that needs this type of embarrassment. Like I have said before singles, don't worry about being single, people are doing it for you.

My mom has been doing this for 10 years. Once she tried to set me up with someone she met over the phone. Now she has backup.

Confession: I have loved someone long before I have realized it. I have known this good man with flaws for over 10 years. Problem? I never talk, or see him. I don't even know where he is at, or how to contact him. So how can it work? Yes it is that hopeless. I have dated other people. I just haven't met anyone that will make me "forget" this one good man. When I think that I can move on, I would run into him. I end up not knowing what to say to him and feeling embarrassed.

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