Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Draper temple tour

From the pic's the new temple within Draper, it looks like a nice temple and I do want to tour it. But I need to say that I waiting for the temple that no one can spell. The Oqurrh, Oqurah, Oqurrah, how about Oquirrh Mountain Temple one of those are bound to be right. I vote for the latter. Oh well we don't go to the temple for spelling test. Any way it is pronounced O'-ker.

My poor SIL Andria she would go around and tell people how to spell and to use the correct grammar.

Love ya Andria!!

1 comment:

Andria said...

Oh, come on. I don't correct others' grammar...most of the time.

Although I do have that never-ending urge to take black permanent marker to incorrect grammar on signage.