Friday, January 2, 2009

Jeremy is right! New Year! New Hopes!

My cousin Shelly, and my auntie Jeanie came over yesterday. Shelly has a step daughter who has a very low level of autism. We all started to have a conversation about autism, and how people with out disabilities react to people with disabilities.

Within my ward people don't know how to treat my nephew, or my brother. That is very understandable. When people don't have someone within their family who doesn't have any disabilities; they don't know how to treat people who live with such disabilities. They don't know what to do or how to talk to them. But within reality they are just like us. Like I have said before, they have feelings. If they get cut they bleed. They want to love and be loved. They want friends. It is just taking that first step to bridge the gap. That starts with us.

Public awareness is increasing. There are schools, they are expensive, but nevertheless they are there. There are walks for autism, to rise funding for more research not only for autism but other disabilities, and candidate's have address the issue of disabilities. But I must say this research they are doing are not for the different disabilities themselves but for pacifically the development of more tools to help these people with different disabilities who very in age. This is not necessarily a bad thing, unless you want a "cure" for your child who might have Down Syndrome, Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, and others.

With all the research my family and I have been doing; we are lead to believe the neuropsychologists. They have determined that Autism is in fact caused by increased neuro-pathways in the brain, and it is genetic. The brain can be retrained. I have seen that, but my question is can it be cured? Can the brain with increased neuro-pathways be a normal brain, is it possible? Now remember that the brain controls everything, but the heart, the heart can beat on it's own.

So the with this New Year comes new hope. I will not expand on these just list them. For a complete explanation please go to Scothoser's Corner

1- Resources for Parents and Teachers be available.
2- Myths, falsehoods, and criminally negligent information will be squashed!
3- Medical Insurance will be provided as assistance for parents of autistic children and other disabilities.
4- Finally, I would like to see 2009 be the age of acceptance for children with autism, and other disabilities.

These are our hopes with is New Year

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