Thursday, February 12, 2009

How do men know when women are interested???

I came upon an article called Study finds women are hard to read. Well I would say yes and no. I have to say I had a fun time reading this. This article address the issue of "what is women thinking- is she flirting or not or is she jest playing games?"

Marya Mannes believes this: "The art of flirtation is dying. A man and a woman are either in love these days or just friends. In the realm of love, reticence and sophistication go hand in hand, for one of the joys of life is discovery."

I think that she is wrong, but I do believe that flirtation is an art. I will say this, I doubt that he will read this, and if he does I doubt he will comment. Besides all comments will go to my email first. I once told my friend, (I'll call him Aussie jest for fun). Aussie that he needed to lesson to what I am thinking and not what I am saying. His response: How am I going do that? Was that flirting? Yes. I have also grabbed Aussies arm more then once. So was that flirting? Again yes! So for some reason I jest simply I like to give Aussie a little harder time then I will give my guy friends. Is that flirting? YES! Did he pick up on it? NO! Believe me I was praying and wishing that he would. So I simply decided that he wasn't interested.

Now I do admit that these are subtle hints. A lot of girls don't want to look desperate. I have known lots of situations where the "flirting" was unwelcome. For example: Lets call him Scott and her Libby.

Scott was standing jest out side a building. Libby started talking to Scott, and leaning towards him. Scott was leaning away from Libby. Libby was leaning so far toward Scott he almost fell over on to the ground. That my readers is one example of unwelcome flirting that Libby did not pick up on.

My dear readers I don't like to flirt is way. It looks desperate and down right bad. For me I like more subtle approach. Like the touching of the arm or shoulder, teasing, giving him a harder time then I give my guy friends, and maintaining a simple conversation. With me I don't play the games. I don't like to date people when I know a relationship will simply not work.

Now I would admit that not all girls like the subtle artistic flirtation approach. Like Libby, she likes the direct approach, that can look bad and will some of the time go wrong. Their are some that just want to play the games. Others just don't know how to flirt, or they feel self conscious flirting with men, they don't want to look like they are looking to get married. A lot of women feel that the man would simply walk away and the confidence will simply leave.

What I call games:
  • When the person you like will sit behind/or be near you while that person is on a date, but will pay more attention to you then the "date".
  • Will date more then one person at one time.
  • Will go around the room and flirt with everyone in the room.
  • Mixed signals.
  • The "looks" as in they keep looking and smiling at you, but don't do anything but talk to other people.

"Despite our differences, men and women, (children too), crave the same things: Security and appreciation. You can almost always see the sweet eight-year-old in the face of any grown-up person." ~Author Unknown~

I hope you have fun reading this as I had fun composing it. In short, I think that people are the most fascinating creatures on this planet. In the time of Adam and Eve up until today people have not changed.

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