Friday, February 20, 2009

Can I have a day with out drama?

My brother Seth came home. So he was over today. Because of that his #2 son Andrew didn't want to eat. That is when the drama started. Andrew wanted to have a brownie instead and talk with daddy. He started crying when his daddy told him: "You need to eat 3 chicken nuggets before you can have a brownie."

Daniel, Seth's oldest son he surprises me all the time on how smart he is. He is 5 years old not yet in kindergarten all because of this birthday is in December. But he can tell time and is reading and it's good for a kid that age. Daniel freaked out when his cousin who is autistic ate one of his chicken nuggets. You see Daniel thought that he couldn't have a brownie because of that, but auntie Hollie (me) told him that it was ok he can still have his brownie.

Then my nephew who is autistic he played in the kitty litter twice. You see he likes to get dirty, he loves going outside and playing in the dirt. He will put it on his head and eat it. So while I was cleaning up the kitty litter he went down stirs and dumped out the toys in the toy box. So after that was cleaned up he went back upstairs and dumped the dish soap all over the counter. After that was cleaned up Jeremy came home. Ah yes I forgot he also got into the Nathan's Jumper Roo more then once. The boy is too big he cant be in there. He can get in but need help getting out.

I think that he was acting like this because he is out of his routine. All what my brother can say: "Now you know what it is like to 'parent' an autistic child." Thanks Jeremy.

So today I had 5 nephews, (no nieces), all under the age of 6 and one of them has autism. So needless to say I didn't get any work done. And I have a rash on my neck. So after I have published this I will need to wash my neck and put some anti itching, allergy stuff on, or windex! Ahahaha!!!!

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