Friday, October 3, 2008

Curly hair

I have curly hair. Ridiculously curly, so much so it is embarrassing. With as such with curly hair I can't cut it too short or I would look across between a french poodle and Shirley Temple.
So what did I do? I cut my horrible curly hair too short. What was I thinking!!!???
But last year I got this book called "Curly Girl the Handbook" by Lorraine Massey and Deborah Chiel. It is a how to book. How to take care of your curls.
On the cover of this book it says "More than just's an attitude (Well my hair has more attitude then I can handle, why do I want more?). A celebration of Curls: How to cut them ( well apparently I did that wrong) care for them, Love them (I still can't get the "Love" down right) and set them free, (my hair was already free. It did what ever it want; if it was anymore free I would loose it!!)

The back of this book says "Say no to shampoo, (think of all the money you will save by not using shampoo, but all of that money go to more conditioner!!! go figure) unplug the dryer, (now all I use my hair dryer is for crafts stuff) and find your inner curl. (please, please no more curls!!!!)
  • Curly cues and Quizzes (go figure only very girly books comes with quizzes)
  • Daily routines for corkscrew (is that what you use to take the corks out of wine bottles?) Botticelli (mmmm pasta) and Wavy curls
  • Homemade lotions & Potions (dang it. no recipe for love potion #9!)
  • Q&A's for no more dad hair days (I must have failed the q&a. I still have bad hair days)
  • Twelve-step recovery program (I must have joined the Curly Girl's Anonymous Program), that will change your life, (will my life is still the same, still single) one shampoo at a time (What!!! I thought you said "Don't use shampoo"!!??)
It is still a good book and to be fair, I have learned a lot from this book. My hair is more hydrated, less nots (my nots in my hair would get so big I would call them rats nest.) That is a good thing. Lots of people loves running their fingers in my hair. When they do they don't find "rats nest" and their fingers has stop getting stuck in my hair.
Here is a pome my mom used to say to me while I was growing up. I don't know why?

Once there was a Little Girl.
Once there was a little Girl.
Who had a little curl.
Right in the middle of the forehead.
When she was good.
She was very, very, good.
When she was bad.
Oh look out!!


Andria said...

And then there are those of us with hair so straight that a perm won't even take. Is there no happy medium?!

Hollie Robb said...

I guess not. Char keeps crying about her straight hair.