Thursday, October 2, 2008


I have found a web web site that has proved that autism is in the genes. It has nothing to do with the common believe the shots. A team of doctors has proven this very thing. Why am I posting this? Well I have an older brother, and a nephew who has autism. So now I have found a website that helps explain all about autism. This web site has lots of information on it, it kinda blew my mind.
Another web site was given to me by Candace E. Salima. I like this one as well.
Candace was telling me that on this web site she has met a woman who is a doctor and she is trying to set up a schools in Utah that gear toward teaching parents and there children about autism and how to teach children with different levels of autism.
I have also found that these same doctors who have found the cause of autism are now trying to find a drug that will help those with autism. The hope is to cure it. Exploring autism will keep you updated on on the different findings. Great for parents and care givers.


JoAnn Arnold said...


Had to check out your blog. You did good. Being mooned by the scarecrow was a hoot.

Hollie Robb said...

Thank Joann. I loved it also. Thank you for the support. Tell your friends.

Unknown said...

Just FYI, Hollie. The website is Love your blog.


Hollie Robb said...

Thanks I'll make the change Candace.