Monday, April 13, 2009

The world of Autsim

Nobody knows what people with autism are thinking, act the way they do, or do the things they do. Various people are trying to understand the autism spectrum. Regrettably there are some people who are on the autism spectrum become the object of ridicule, or they get yelled at, and become abused.

People on the autism spectrum see the world differently then we do. There are some who can't take high emotion that "normal" people display, it will overwhelm them, they can't handle it. They respond to positive music, mostly the classics. Some I have notice that they retreat into their own world, others can't remember all what happen yesterday.

So being in contact with people on the autism spectrum, I have learned that you must take it at their pace. They learn at a different pace. Remind them often, encourage involvement within positive activities. Give them positive praises. This is one of many ways they are just like us. We respond to positive praises, they do also.

Pleas try and not to raise your voice at them. Don't assume that they understand everything that you tell them, most likely they don't. Remember they see the world differently we do.

I had the privilege to work with a woman who had autism. She had the best smile. She also would color a picture if I would put the crayon in her hand, then I would take her hand and guide it. She had so much fun doing that. This woman was in her 40's, but her mind was still a little 3 year old.

I have many more stories about special needs. Maybe I will tell more latter.

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