Thursday, April 23, 2009


Don't you just love epiphanies? I usually will get them at the most unexpected times. Like this morning; I got one while I was taking a shower. This one was so powerful that I got goosebumps. I thought of this powerful scene for the play that I'm writing. while I was thinking about this scene I got a little emotional.

I'm so excited for this scene. I would love to tell you about it, it's not going to happen. Besides it is just the first drafted. I usually go though 2-3 ruff drafts at average before the finale.

I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not.


Andria said...

I do love epiphanies! I had one just yesterday that almost knocked me off my chair. But I'm not spilling the beans on it either, because I'm going to write about it and it's going to make me famous! Maybe.

Hollie Robb said...

They are great!!! And at times they can knock you flat on your back.