Friday, January 7, 2011

Autism, The Latest Findings and Articles

Autism have always been in the media. Now the latest on this topic. Click on the link. You will find that Dr. Wakefield's license have been evoked by the British gov. Wakefield doesn't even have a license to practice medicine in the US. Yet people still take is word as gospel. Why has is license in Britten been evoked? Simple, he changed patients medical rerecords to support his false findings. Other licensed medical researchers have found Wakefield's clams that the MMR shot will give children autism is so false. I do like what Dr. Paul Offit have said, and it is true; sadly. "This scared people and it's hard to unscare them."

Why am I writing about this? Simple. My older brother has autism, my nephew, and various cousins have children who happens to be on the autism spectrum. I am tired of the lies. I want what all other families want; The Truth. We want the truth on diagnosis and treatments. Now various medical researchers want to do more study on the autism spectrum, so that they can find treatments, but because Wakefield and other people are making that hard on them to find treatments.

Remember: this false data on autism has scared people and it is hard to unscare them.

Will autism fraud report be a vaccine booster? -

Video Courtesy of

Cheers Everyone!

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