Monday, May 25, 2009

Worlds of the Crystal Moon

Crystal Moon (Worlds of the Crystal Moon, Book 1) (Book One) Crystal Moon by Phillip E. Jones

My review

rating: 2 of 5 stars
If you take Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Xanth, and Fableheaven, put them together you have this book.

In introduction:

Sam Goodrich, a strong, friendly, dark-haired man with brown eyes, lowered himself to the edge of the bed. He couldn't grasp everything he had just heard. It all weighed on his heart, suffocating his every thought. Even though he was brilliant-studying with some of the best scholars on Earth and surpassing even their Knowledge-he now felt lost, struggling to stay focused.

"How could Earth possibly be destroyed?" he thought. Everything he loved, everything he had worked to build was gone. His family, his friends, and anything he identified with on longer existed.

Insanity rushed in to take control of him. But the firm , gentle and every-so -powerful hands of a god reached out to touch his head and slowly Sam drifted off to sleep.

"Rest My Child, Rest!"

View all my reviews.

You must read all of the forwards, to understand the book. He writes his own mythology, and his own rules a bout the gods, and the worlds they govern.

I get the feeling that the author is Christan, LDS? I don't think so, unless he has some double standard issues. Like I have said before I would not let a 13 year old read this book. this book has lots of violence in it like Lord of the Rings (movie version). This book has mythology in it, like the Greek gods loves to meddle into people lives just for there own amusement, the gods in this book reminds me of Narnia as in animal's are gods also. Like Xanth quest time, to save the worlds or get what they want, in this book "power". Like Fablehaven, Xanth, Narnia it has tons of creatures.

I also had a hard time to discern who is rely good. I felt like the line between good and evil wasn't always clearly drawn. It was very slow, easy reading but very slow story, lots of innuendos that I think didn't need to be in the book if this book was for 13 year old to read. I do think that I would let a 16 year old read it, but I would not make them. It does have bedroom scenes in it but tastefully done, it didn't spell things out, thank heaven. But I don't think that it needed to be there, these scenes did not add to the story, they did not need to be in there.

This suggestion is to parents:

Read this book yourself and then decide for yourself if you think your 13 year old can handle this. You know what I think. But I do think that parents have a responsibility to their children, I know that I'm not a parent, although I'm a second mother to my nephews. I would never let them read this book until they are a least 16 years old.

Have a happy Memorial Day!

Cheers Everyone!!

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