Friday, May 1, 2009

My last up date

My last up date for this blog? No. Sorry to burst some bubbles. Remember you don't need to read this.

My last up date for the road show. We have performed it 3 times on Thursday. In all three building I had sound difficulty. A wire was shorted out, the sound was bad in short. But all in all it our show was good.

After the last show people would stop me and tell me that it was just good and was amazed that my Mother, Andrea Fife and I have written something like that, the music, choreography, everything. They loved it. My co director was excellent. It was great.

Tonight was the last night. And we got an award!

The Award is??? The Best Musical!!!!!!!!

We work so hard. Everything is original for the exception of one song "Turkey in the Straw." That is public domain.

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