Thursday, March 12, 2009

Painting our nails/ Pi Day

Today while I was watching my nephew Daniel I got my nail polish out and painted my toe nails. Not the same as the real pedicure I know but it will do. So my nephew Daniel wanted to have his finger nails to glow-in-the-dark. So I got my glow-in-the-dark nail polish and he painted his nails.

He also brought over his Lego Indiana Jones game. He was showing me how to die properly. He said:

"Look see this is how you die."

Yep he got a kick out of that! So he was showing me how to play the game. I would have the game for like 2 min. then he would take it away and start playing then he would say:

"Look see this is how you play! You need to jump hear, you need to use this guy so he can crawl. Press the "A" button and you can build things!"

It was fun this afternoon. My nephews are fun. Yes even the one with autism. What gets Jeremy is that people in the ward will ask him if his son has autism, then when the find out that he is autistic the response is:

"Really? He doesn't look like he has autism."

I have no clue what he is "suppose" to look like, but I think that he looks like my Grandpa Robb.


Ok now tell me what you think about this. Go to Scothoser's Corner It talks about how the House of Representatives voted March 14 to be National Pi Day. Of all the things to vote on. Go figure. Oh well that is jest one excuse to eat a pie. Think about this you can have a Pie-eating-contest to celebrate the day, or do a math problem that has Pi in it. You choose. But as for me I think that I would like the Pie.

I know our government needs some major help. Of all the things to vote on. Could they come up with a very good plan to fix our nation?

1 comment:

Andria said...

Hey, thanks for painting Daniel's nails just before he had some kindergarten testing done. I bet the teacher who did it thought that I was one crazy mom.

But Daniel sure got a kick out of it. And he has a hard time letting anyone play the game for very long.