Friday, March 20, 2009

I call it "The War on Women"

Today I went to one of my old schools. Lake Ridge Elementary. I took my nephew Daniel there for some further testing to see what he test at and if he will be in a higher kindergarten when he starts school. I walked on to that school grounds and a flood of memories came rushing back.

Being in a special class in kindergarten only because I tested to high. I should have been in the first grade. If I remember right there were only 2 of us within that class. When I was in the 6th grade I sprained my ankle. How I did that was I decided to swing around a poll and of course landed weird. The strange thing is that same poll is still there. I saw the place where I would meet my friends before school. Where I played basket ball, boys against girls of course, no one won the bell rang before we could finish the game. Standing out in the cold wet snow. Also being afraid of one teacher that I had for kindergarten and first grade.

Enough of memory lane.

My nephew and I was walking home when a stupid guy leaned out of the car window and yelled at me a hurtful comment 'fat......" Ok I'm a size 4 so that tells me that no matter what I do or what size I am; I will never be enough. So this rises the repeated question.

What is this obsession on woman, and the body that our society has?

All I can think of is that an all out war has been taken place on women. We have been attacked by the media, family, friends, boyfriends, husbands and piers. Because of this war; society is falling apart. Why women and not men? Lets take a look at Shakespeare's Macbeth. This teaches powerfully about the influence of women. She tells her husband:

" Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be What thou are promis'd yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o'th' milk of human kindness."

She calls him a coward and convince him to do what it takes to be king. Latter within her famous monologue she sales her soul, she stated:

"......Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me hear; And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top full of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood. Stop up the access and passage to remorse, That no compunctious visiting of nature Shake my fell purpose, not keep peace between the effect and it! Come to my woman's breast, and take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, Wherever in your sightless substances You wait on nature's mischief! Come thick night and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, That my keen knife see not the wound it makes nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, To cry, Hold, hold!"

When Lady Macbeth said: "Stop up the access and passage to remorse.." She refuses to feel guilty on what she plans to do. "Take my milk for gall?" Milk= nurturing, life giving; remember she wants to be come queen and will do anything to do it. Bruce C. Hafen said it better then I can. He stated: "Lady Macbeth's womanly heart makes her incapable of taking a life unless she renounces her female instinct to give and nurture life. Later, after they have killed the king, she goes insane, then dies-not just from guilt, but perhaps from renouncing her very nature."

The Milk of Human kindness= Female nurturing, the moral influence of women.

This all out war against women is making women feel devalued, stupid, incapable, human beings that are not worth to be taken serious consideration. Because of this women think that to be valued we must be excessively independent. Be that full time working woman and not have time for the family. Because of this some women are loosing this war. Experts think this is why our society is falling apart.

We all must fight back! We are not stupid. We are very capable. We have surmount impossible odds. We are worth fighting for. To pull society back together and be more civilized means to fight back. Be that nurturing, moral influence. Make time for the family. Become that good nurturing, moral influence upon society, don't give up hope. A woman of hope creates a society of hope. It starts with us.


Kersten said...

Thanks for your post! Very thought provoking!

JoAnn Arnold said...

Well expressed. Isn't it sad that the world takes such a view of women.