Thursday, November 5, 2009

Conflict, Resolve

Today in the world of literature; typicality there is a conflict and then comes the resolve. We see love triangles, (gag :0), wars, spin offs, the most poplar in LDS chick lit is over coming sin and true love concurs all. But that doesn't happen until the end of the book and it is over and over gain and a gain.......:

"I can't marry you because_______."

Yes, I know annoying. Every time I read such a novel I want to scream.


Then I remind myself that it is just a book. Thank heavens. I have notice that Covenant an LDS publisher, have been going through authors like Shakespeare went through charters in his tragedies. Yes he did, within his tragedies you know who ever comes on stage they will die. I could say that the reason why is mostly women will by the books, but that statistic have not been proven. If that statistic is right then, to all LDS authors, keep writing about over coming sin, love concurs all, and love triangles. That formula right now works, as sicking as that is.

Now the world of publishing is changing. Within a blog called "Story tellers unplugged" there is a post by Mur Lafferty. Mur says this in the blog post:

"A growing trend, started by Cory Doctorow, is to release a free PDF of a book when you launch the print version. Some, like Doctorow, release the whole book; others release a number of chapters. Still, it’s the concept of the free sample or teaser that works–check it out for free, if you like it, then buy."

Now most of you who are reading this, are probably are having raised eyebrows. For as long as we can remember, we have ether went to the library and rented books for a month, or we have paid with that hard earned money and bought that book. Why is this? Nathan Bransford found this link. "Advice to Aspiring Novelists: Don't shoot yourself". Thank you Nathan.

I am writing this post, I know that it is unusual for me to write something like this. The conflict is that new aspiring, talented writers are having a hard time getting notice by lit, agents and publishers. The most common response is: "The economy is way too shaky." This is true, publishers don't want to invest in an unknown. It is safer to go with tried and true authors.

So the resolve for new writers is, "think-out-side-the-box." If you want to get notice by a large audience in the world of literature; use the resources you have in your own home at your own desk. I am talking about your computer, utilize the internet, make book trailers, do a PDF format or ebook. So in a way you are self publishing. Something that I never recommend is, don't get desperate enough to go though a self publishing outfit.

So, think out side the box, utilize the internet. It will be interesting to see how the publishing business will grow, and evolve. The question is, are seasoned writers, publishers, technology, and the world ready for this type of "publishing".