Saturday, April 30, 2011

Part II of the National Poetry Month Challenge

Now this is the last of the poem that I have done for the National poetry month challenge. It has different types of poems and different patterns. This was a fun challenge for me to take.

Ode to honey-

Bees are attracted to honey
Not vinegar. Mom always says.
Honey is sweet, smooth with a golden color.
It is infectious if you let it.
Honey can get everywhere.
You cannot be deceived by honey.
Vinegar can look like drinkable sweet water.
Until you open the bottle.
The strong smell doesn't tickle your senses.
It's bitter to taste.
It is a natural disinfectant,
good to clean with.
So those who are like Honey will gather spread love.
Those who are like Vinegar will chase out the love.

Monorhyme poem

The gleaming instrument is a bell.
Packed inside the clock makes time tell.
Get up! Time to go to work, go to school, get the mail.
Time; the task master, with it you cannot fail.
The on going ringing of the bell,
makes you want to drink some ale.
If you did drink ale.
So instead you grab some water, more healthier you tell.
On and on you go though, only in time you sell.
Time to sell that blasted bell.

What if poem

What if I could go back in time.
I might see the Parthenon be built twice!

What if I did go back in time.
I could see the civilizations over run with mice.

What if I saw the great men in history.
I would ask them questions for directions thrice.

I know I couldn't, but if I could; would I?

Nature Personified poem.


Fire stars from a spark of lightning.
It consumes everything it touches.
The colors yellow, orange, and read dances in delight.
The forest screams as the fire does it's worst.
Rain comes and snuffs, suffocates the fire, giving the chance for a reborn.

Holiday poem

Memorial Day
Flags waving in the wind.
Smoke from family baroque, flowers in the flower shop.
Laughter at the telling of family stories.
Baroque chicken, aunt Mable's famous apple pie.
Cut flowers for the Vets. grave.
Memorial Day.

Alliteration Poem

Mr. Nutter found his Mutter on his butter.
"Flutter", says Mr. Nutter "I want your cutter."
"The Cutter will cut the mettle latter." Says Nutter.
"You are a nutter Mr. Nutter".
Says friend Flutter.
"Your mind is in a Flutter" Says Mr. Nutter.
"I'll tell you, it is better that the cutter will
cut the butter." Says Flutter.
It will matter that the butter is cut by the cutter.
"The mettle latter will not be cut by the Cutter. I'll tell you Mr.
You maybe right Friend Flutter, I'm afraid that the mettle
latter, have cut the cutter." Says Mr. Nutter.
"You are a nutter Mr. Nutter"
Said Friend Flutter.

A-B-A-B poem

In the middle of the meadow.
Is a rabbit hopping lazy in the sun.
Watching the rabbit is a widow.
On his back by watching the clouds, her son.
He sees dragons, turtles,and bears, imagination is his window.
The shadows come from the drooping of the sun.
The pair get up to run, laughing from the meadow.

Rictameter Poem

Joyful praises
Happy noises at home
Laughing, giggling as the song
progresses, melody combines harmony.
Different types of children laughter.
Adults come in with the base line.
Join in our song

Quinzain Poem

Little boy with autism
Plays with the music
stand, singing.

The Quinzain Poem again was inspired by my nephew. At the time he was taking apart my music stand and putting it back together, while singing/ humming.

If You were poem

If you were a book
Then I am your reader.
I'd read you from cover to cover,
only if you were good.
You would keep me company during the
midnight hours.
Come to think of it I would "man" handle you!

Lantern Poem

fun, flirty
hard 2' heel
Yellow bright

Clerihew Poem

The way Robert had his breakfast.
With eggs,toast, and milk to break his fast.
He ate much gusto, he tore his toast.
Robert that silly man, liked his eggs the most.

This one about Robert, I was thinking of my Uncle. I was looking through some very old family pictures and he became my subject! He doesn't know so I hope he doesn't mind.

The 5 W's poem

Had her lolly pop ,
in her hand,
her older brother took it,
he wanted the lolly pop.

The last poem

The burn

Make muscles grow
Jumping up, down, heart rate speeds
Is it abusing the body?
Cheers Everyone!

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