Friday, November 21, 2008

Red neck christmas tree

I know that it is not yet Thanksgiving. I also now that their are people out their that will get upset when you say Christmas in front of them. I could be wrong if so please tell me so, but I think that this is because Thanksgiving get overshadowed by Christmas. So to set the balance I have a small history lesson about the first thanksgiving:

" The legend of the five kernels"
The first winter, the Pilgrims spent in their new home was very cold. Food was in short supply. Some days they only have enough food for each person to have five kernels of corn for the day. But spring came. They planted food. It grew; and all the Pilgrims did not die.

From then on, when Thanksgiving came around, the Pilgrims put five kernels of corn in each plate to remind themselves of their blessing.

Let us Remember:

The first kernel reminds us of the autumn beauty around us.
The second kernel reminds us of our love for one another.
The third kernel reminds us of God's love and care for us.
The fourth kernel reminds us of our friends.... especially our Indian brothers.
The fifth kernel reminds us we are a FREE PEOPLE.

This Country is based on people who sacrificed so much for such idealism. They wanted a better world for the generations to come. My family history dates back to the men and women who build up James Town. I am grateful for their decisions to come hear and sacrifice to build such a nation.

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