Monday, November 10, 2008

The pink car

Over the weekend I saw an incredible sight. I was at ShopKo, I was coming out of the store. I saw this car and the color was pink, that's right Pink!!! My first thought of the sight of this pink car was, "how embarrassing, I would never ride in a pink car"!!!! As I got a little closer to this pink car I saw words on it, they are: Hop, love, faith, courage, and charity. I also saw a shade darker of pink ribbons on it. You see this pink car was a symbol of breast cancer, (that is why I am writing this post in pink).

The person who drove the pink car must known someone, or that person had or has breast cancer. Maybe that person had the cancer and beat it. If that is the case; I would like to think that. You see I did not meet this person who drove the pink car. I think that it takes a lot of courage to face such an ordeal.

It had made me want to say that we all need to be on the alert to cancer. I know that this month is not breast cancer awareness month. But remember that someone love you and need you around.

This also made me remember that we often judge the person or things on the looks and not look past and to what is relay there. You know that old fashioned saying "do not judge a book by it's cover". Sometimes all we need is a second, longer look.


Andria said...

That's very cool!

Hollie Robb said...

Don't you just love that!!!!