Monday, April 9, 2012

Music Theory/Another Play

Wow, have things been frustrating. My mom and I are working on a new play. This play is for special needs. Our protagonist ( good guy) is deaf. Yep, you read right; deaf. So in this play there will be signing going on, along with singing. Yep, my deaf protagonist will be singing in sign language. While the best friend will be signing terribly off key. It's still in the very early stages. You know writing, deleting, re-writing, deleting some more, screaming at the computer, then taking a break to work out coming back and the whole cycle continues again. Like the cycle of prosperity in the Book of Mormon.

We are currently writing one song. I have no problems with lyrics and melody, but translating what I have in my head on to paper is another thing. So yeah frustration is apparent right now. Craft, art, or whatever you would like to call it, takes time. The thing is that when you are your own critic, (a bad one at that), you need to be careful not to hate yourself and give up. Whatever creative thing you do is a new learning experience. You maybe painting, singing, drawing, or sculpting for years but it's still a new learning experience.

The question is now is why am I writing a play that will have sign in it, nobody but the deaf will understand what he is saying? The answer is: Well this is not the first time I have co-written a play for special needs. This one is the first time I have written about a deaf protagonist.. The deaf and hearing alike will be able to understand all of the play....we hope. I'm just hoping that the play will make sense.

Now my music program decided to take a vacation on me, it will not let me save my progressive work. I just need to find my disk and restart it. I worked so hard to figure out the rhythm of one of the songs. I refused to loose it so I ended up writing it down the old fashion way. On paper. Poetic Justice? Possibly. Beethoven, Bach, and all of the other classical composers are possibly applauding me or laughing at me right now. I'm thinking laughing at me.    

Cheers Everyone!

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