Saturday, June 5, 2010

Reading Challenge part B

"Who Invited the Undertaker?" Is an other one that is out of print, however you can find it at It is another one that should have never been out of print. It's about a family who is trying to survive, and cope with the loss of their father. At the same time Dale the oldest boy, is trying to keep his family especially his mother happy. Dale sets his mom up on dates, and crazy things start to happen. One night she ends up going on a date with an Undertaker? Ruckman uses some dry humor for instance, this is some of the undertaker's jokes that is in the book:
  • She was talking about this recipe with the mushrooms, see?And how she'd simmer the sauce all day long?Oh, my gastrics!
  • Do you have any idea how we interns eat? And where we eat when we're on call?
  • Pale is something people expect. You hear what happened with Bob Smedley's first case? He's colorblind, you know, a terrible handicap in this business. You might get by with high blush, but making someone bright red? With bright-red hands? We put this tasteful little sign on his door that said, 'Better bodies by Bob.'
  • No one ever invites the undertaker. He just shows up!
Ruckman's book takes the reader on a year long series of mishaps, that are piratical, everyday things that just happens.

Book Synopses:

"It's not easy being the man of the house when you're only in seventh grade. And Dale has decided that he's had enough. If Mom isn't interested in finding someone-well, he will just have to do it for her!

Since she won't go to Single Shoppers' Night at the supermarket. there's only one solution: an ad in the personals section of the paper. Something like "To owner of Honda Prelude. Call me. Black Corvette," but a little more conservative, because this is Mom, after all-and she only drives a Ford station wagon. It seems like the perfect plan- until the phone calls start coming, and Dale gets a lot more then he's bargained for!"

Another book that my mom read to me as a kid, thought that is was funny as a kid. Now as an adult the jokes that I didn't get as a kid, I got now. It made it even more funny read.

Cheers Everyone!

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