Friday, March 5, 2010



I think that this needed to be 2.5 stars. First of all I liked the basic story, but hated all of the sexual harassment, groping, drugs, alcohol, and the sexual innuendos. If that type junk was left out then this book would be good.

Am I saying this because I am LDS, and I live in a bubble? Quite the contrary. while I was growing up I lived by a family with 4 girls. The first girl was 12 when she was pregnant, she now has AIDS. The second I confess, I don't know what happen to her. The 3 girl was in and out of rehab; had a little girl who was born without a brain. That was the result of the hard drugs, and heavy alcohol abuse. The last girl, well she end up in jail; with a DUI and possession of drugs. The best
substance is abstinence.

Come on authors, you don't need sex, drugs, or alcohol, to write a good story. Notice that a lot of peoples favorites are books who by no means has that type of junk in it; I understand not all people but a lot.

Teen's and the family are under enough pressure. With the family under attack, mom & dad are hardly home, so-call-friends getting teens to do stuff because it is all the rage, or everyone it doing it; you authors don't need to part of the problem, but part of the solution.

Cheers Everyone!

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