Friday, March 13, 2015

Pineapple Coconut Chicken

Pineapple Coconut Chicken! Wow, this one is good! Not only I get to play with my one of my favorite spices....Ginger, but one of my favorite foods....Pineapple.  You can also dub this as a all natural cough syrup. I'll tell you how later on.  Really it works! I used this while I had a terrible's Awesome!


4 Boneless Chicken breast
1 Pineapple
1 lemon
3inch of Ginger root
1 tsp Honey
1 Tbl of coconut oil.
2 Tbl shredded coconut


One whole pineapple pealed, discard the outer layer. Cut ALL of the fruit...yes even the hard core of the pineapple. According to Laura Flores, a San Diego-based nutritionist: the hard core of the pineapple is full of nutrition. Like high dosage of vitamin C,  manganese, and enzymes. It's that stuff that helps the body brake down proteins and turn it into energy. Put all of the cut up pineapple into a food processor. Fresh squeeze the whole lemon in to the food processor with the pineapple. Peal the ginger cut it up and place that in there as well, with the teaspoon of honey. Put the food processor on high.  Now you need a fine wire colander or a cheese cloth. Drain the liquid/cough syrup. So...the liquid is the awesome all natural cough syrup! Place the cough syrup in a mansion jar, or some sealed container, put it in the fridge. Take 2 teaspoons every 4/6 hours. 

Now the pulp, is used for your chicken. Place chicken and pulp in a frying pan with coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of  shredded coconut. Cook until your chicken reaches 160 degrees, or until you are confidant that the chicken is done!  This is supper good! 
